May 30, 2013

On Learning

Nancy Briskay Cornell Lipsius

Nancy (Briskay Cornell) Lipsius graduated from college in her early 70s and dreamed of attending seminary.

CUTOUT 12I thought I would not have enough topics to write about but last evening’s class provided me with just the one more that I needed.

I was asked how my schooling was different from the schooling of today and I’m afraid, being very nervous when speaking in a group, that I really did not touch on the real differences.

Although certain subjects were taught differently than present times, it was the times and the attitudes that were different prior to World War II.

I can only touch on this subject from my own experience in my own family and school system and my particular group of friends. And when it came time for high school it was my parents who selected my direction. Not too many girls at that period of time expected to go on to college but my parents expected me to progress from high school to the University of New Hampshire to become a Latin teacher. I was not consulted as to what I would like to do, just as my parents made all my choices up to that point.

That started my first rebellion. I did not want to become a teacher. So then the only other choice I had was to become a secretary and it was off to business school to gain the skills which I have been using regularly since that time.

My parents also made other choices for me. My friends were selected on the basis of not being (more…)

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