January 14, 2015

CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS Now Carolyn’s Online Magazine (COMe)


CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS is now located at Carolyn’s Online Magazine.


I invite you to visit the new site and to subscribe to the site to receive notification of future posts.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my ineptitude in creating a working online magazine. The issues are finally resolved.

Articles for Carolyn’s Compositions are now being posted at Carolyn’s Online Magazine to which I invite you to visit and sign up for a subscription. Please continue to enjoy reading the articles posted on this site, Carolyn’s Compositions, which is fast running out of space, as you enjoy the new articles being posted at Carolyn’s Online Magazine.

Thank you for your patience.

Carolyn Cornell Holland

January 2, 2015

Problems Creating a New WordPress Blog

Filed under: blogging — carolyncholland @ 11:15 pm

JANUARY 14, 2015

Issue finally resolved: Articles for Carolyn’s Compositions are now being posted at Carolyn’s Online Magazine to which I invite you to visit and sign up for a subscription. Please continue to enjoy reading the articles posted on this site, Carolyn’s Compositions, which is fast running out of space, as you enjoy the new articles being posted at Carolyn’s Online Magazine.

Dear Carolyn’s Compositions Readers

Please bear with me. I’ve had a great deal of problems setting up a new WordPress blog. I’ve been attempting to set up a blog separate from CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS but each effort seems to connect with it. At times I’ve been unable to even access CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS.

WordPress staff, if you are reading this take note.

UPDATE Jan. 2, 2015: I finally managed to create a blog separate from CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS but I cannot access it from the web.

  • There is a problem with this website’s security certificate.
  • The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address.
  • Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
  • We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
  • For more information, see “Certificate Errors” in Internet Explorer Help.

I’ll go there but heavens, this is not anyway easy. I’ve already spent three days attempting to create a new blog site separate from CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS and all I’ve done is create a bunch of useless junk.

It might be that there was already a WordPress blog at the listed email address. to correct this I attempted to create a new YAHOO email but now it’s not possible unless you have a phone to text on.

I do not have texting.

Is the I-net becoming less user friendly as time goes by?

I’m considering setting up the new blog at Blogspot in order to keep it completely separate from CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS.

You will receive notification re the new site when I get the situation resolved, either on WordPress or on Blogger (Google site).

I’m thankful for your support during this process.

Carolyn Cornell Holland



June 17, 2017


Filed under: HOLIDAYS,MEMOIRS,MONTE W. HOLLAND — carolyncholland @ 12:16 am
Tags: , , , ,

Remember the television show FANTASY?  A 1983 show making dreams come true? A show where ordinary people (like you and me) from all over the United States wrote in to have their wishes granted on national television? Well, below is a letter written to Peter and Leslie, the co-hosts of the show that befits my husband Monte’s June 12th birthday and June 18th Father’s Day. The letter below was written by his children Sandra, then 13, and son Nolan, then 11.

Sept. 18, 1983

Dear Peter and Leslie,

Our dad is the greatest dad in the whole world, but also a most unusual person.   For 19 years he was a physics professor. For 13 of those years he taught at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania.   In spring of 1982 he sent shock waves through the Physics Dept. announcing he was going to take early retirement to return to school.   But not just any school, he decided to go into the seminary.   As a result we moved almost 800 miles from Slippery Rock (Pa.) to Stone Mountain (Ga.).   (Do you know what happens to a Stone Mountain when it rains?   It becomes a Slippery Rock.)

Now back to the letter.   But what most people don’t know is th

at my dad has a secret passion.   And that is watching “All my children”.   He is enamored with Erica Kane (Susan Lucci) and fascinated with Opal Gardner (Dorothy Lyman).   (He just loves the way she dresses)   Our Dads fantasy is to meet Erica and Opal.   But we would also like to add to his fantasy.   We would just love for him to play a bit part with Erica and Opal. Because we feel that this would be a very appropriate activity for an upcoming minister.

Of course he does not know this letter is being written but if this fantasy does come true, my dad will be the happiest minister that ever set foot on this earth.

Sincerely yours,

Sandy Holland

Nolan Holland

P. S. My mom said they both were going off the

Show in November.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND FATHER’S DAY. Photo taken on the Buffalo, NY, waterfront.

January 7, 2017

America’s First Untethered Balloon Flight 1/9/1793

Carolyn’s Online Magazine




On the morning of January 9, 1793 no trades were made and no business was undertaken in Philadelphia. All the shops were closed.

Starting at sunrise two field artillery pieces inside the Walnut Street Prison courtyard fired every quarter hour, creating an atmosphere of celebration and anticipation.

As the early morning temperature rose into the 40s a 5-foot tall flamboyant Frenchman, Monsieur Jean-Pierre Blanchard, entered the courtyard. Dressed in bright-blue knee breeches, a matching waistcoat and a cocked hat with white feathers, he looked, for all intents and purposes, like a Shakespearean actor ready for his role in a great drama.

However, Blanchard was not an actor. Accompanied by the sounds of a brass band playing soul-stirring martial music he prepared to take America’s first hot air balloon flight. The famous Frenchman busied himself inflating his huge silk balloon with gaz, produced by mixing iron chips in the vitriolic acid, as a throng of spectators watched.

At 10:00, as Blanchard had promised, he was ready to start his 45th ascension, confident it would cause his name inscribed in America’s history books. His Journal of My Forty-Fifth Ascension states he came to the New World because ‘the [Western] Hemisphere had as yet only heard of the brilliant triumph of aerostation [the art or science of ballooning]; and the people who inhabit it appeared to me worthy of enjoying the sublime spectacle that it affords.’

When the United States chief executive, Gen. George Washington, arrived at 9:45 a. m. a hushed quiet descended on the crowd. As he, the French ambassador, and other dignitaries entered the courtyard fifteen cannons roared in salute and Blanchard removed his plumed hat, bowed briefly and exchanged pleasantries with his distinguished guests.

Towering over Blanchard, Gen. Washington presented the balloonist with a passport written by his own hand to be used as proof for the people Blanchard would meet after landing, proving he wasn’t an enemy of the United States, nor was he part of an advance guard of an airborne French invasion.

At the last minute a well-wisher shoved a small black dog into Blanchard’s arms. He rather dubiously accepted the dog, dropping it into the basket already laden with ballast—including meteorological instruments and some refreshments anxious friends had given him.

At 10:09 Blanchard affixed to the aerostat to the basket, thanked the president, confidently leapt into the balloon’s basket. The cannons fired a final salvo Blanchard as threw out some ballast and nodded to his assistants to release the restraining ropes. A gentle wind lifted the balloon skyward.

Thus America’s first untethered manned hot air balloon flight, carrying the first United States airmail letter, began.



Blanchard acknowledged the oohs, aahs, and cheers of the watching throng by waving his hat in one hand and a flag, ornamented on one side with the armoric bearings of the United States and on the other with the three colors so dear to the French nation.

Prior to the liftoff Blanchard had advertised the following notice in Dunlap’s American Daily Advertiser: ‘If the day is calm…I will ascend perpendicularly; but if the wind blows, permit me, gentlemen, to advise you not to attempt to keep up with me, especially in a country so intersected with rivers, and so covered with woods.’

The day was calm. Blanchard’s balloon ascended perpendicularly and so easily Blanchard was able to enjoy the different impressions which agitated so many of the sensible and interesting persons observing.

The exuberance from the prison courtyard was quickly followed by yells of pleasure from a massive crowd—half the city’s population—waving their hats, lifting their hands, and shouting words of encouragement:

Bon Voyage!

God Bless you!

Blanchard looked down on the city from a height of 1200 feet, probably astonished that all of Philadelphia watched him drift above the city. He heard the everyday echoes of their life rent the air: cries of an infant, barks of a dog prowling the alleys for food, the shout of a chimney sweep seeking work.

“Accustomed as I long have been to the pompous scenes of numerous assemblies, yet I could not help being surprised and astonished when, elevated at a certain height over the city, I turned my eyes towards the immense number of people who covered the open places, the roofs of the houses, the steeples, the streets and the roads, over which my flight carried me in the free space of the air. What a sight!,” he wwould later write in his journal.

Some spectators galloped down the Point road hoping to overtake Blanchard. They soon returned, declaring that the balloon was out of their sight. Many others regretted not stopping at the Oeller’s Hotel to purchase a ticket, sold by Blanchard—$5.00 for the best spot, $2.00 for back seats— because his expenses exceeded his income. By not doing so, they missed best spot to observe the most interesting scene the human eye ever beheld and to join President Washington, Vice President John Adams, and Secretary of state Thomas Jefferson, in doing so. Perhaps House of Representatives leader James Madison and James Monroe were also present.

The city remained closed until the balloon was lost to sight. However, people gathered for miles around on the surrounding hills and along the Atlantic coast were alerted by the cheers and yells. They watched the sky, hoping the balloon would fly in their direction. New Yorkers prayed for a sufficiently fair wind to direct Blanchard’s flight to their city.

Blanchard soared over Philadelphia like Icarus. From this unique vantage point he could easily see the entire square mile brick and wood city beneath him, beginning at the Delaware River and running west to Eighth Street, where the countryside’s unpaved roads began. He could see where the city ended at Vine Street, three blocks north of Market—the suburb of Northern Liberties was just beyond. Just one mile south the city ended at Cedar Street at the suburb of Southwark. He probably saw west as far as the Schuylkill River.


He saw ‘a whitish cloud (that) withheld from my sight for several minutes a part of the city of Philadelphia….A thick fog covered the south; toward the east…a mist arose, which prevented me from reconnoitering the area.’

The wind took his balloon east across northern Philadelphia, floated past Market and Race streets, crossed Fourth, Third, then Second streets. He had a bird’s seagull’s eye view of the working-class section of the city, the most densely populated city neighborhood. He saw houses belonging to blacksmiths, cordwainers, furniture makers, and other artisans and tradesmen, who worked on the first floor and lived above their shops with their families.

How small the people on the crowded sidewalks looked, shoppers on the way to the markets, clerks heading to shops selling goods from all over the world, servants wending their way through the crowd to complete their errands. Their busyness was interrupted as they paused, looked up, pointed to, gasped, and commented to each other about this strange thing floating in the sky above them. Blanchard could hear some of their yells that alerted non-observers to the sight.

As Blanchard’s air transportation floated over Philadelphia between the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers he easily spotted and identified three towering buildings that testified to Philadelphia’s status as the nation’s political, cultural and economic capital during the 1790s. The newly constructed Bank of the United States was located in south Philadelphia, the city’s political and financial sector. Two blocks westward the State House and Congress Hall stood tall. He also saw the large public library and the museum that held an almost complete collection of the minerals and animals of North America. These structures marked the city as the single great metropolis in this newly formed country, a metropolis most agreeable to foreigners. The city was a gathering place for people who cultivate literary and scientific inquiry.

The wind shifted as Blanchard floated toward the Delaware River, pushing his aircraft south towards Philadelphia’s port—the center of commercial life where leathery-handed stevedores on the dock looked skyward. He saw warehouses lining the riverside, and wooden wharves, jutting into the Delaware River, that welcomed ships from the Caribbean, Europe, and ports as distant as India and China. They came to trade goods for produce from the Atlantic breadbasket, as the fertile Delaware River valley was known.

The balloon rose, carrying Blanchard south, parallel with the Delaware River. From on high he saw the handsome new mansions along Society Hill, above the recently covered Dock Creek, where the nation’s elite held their elaborate salons and luxurious dinner parties.

A mild northwest breeze carried the balloon steadily upward to about 200 fathoms as it traveled toward the Delaware River. As the balloon finally leveled off in a state of perfect equilibrium at 5,800 feet Blanchard observed sparkling sunbeams on the water below, making the river appear like a ribbon the breadth of about four inches.

A flock of wild pigeons flew by and scattered into two groups, frightened at the sight of a human being invading their special realm. The small dog whimpered restlessly at the sound of the bird’s activity, but was reassured by a pat on the head from Blanchard.

While airborne Blanchard became an aeronautical scientist (the first test pilot in America), performing several experiments. He filled and sealed six bottles ‘with that atmospherical air wherein I was floating.’ He next used his pocket watch to time his pulse, carefully noting that airborne his pulse averaged 92, while earthbound it was no more than 84 in the same given time….’ He also weighed a lodestone that earthbound ‘raised 51Ž2 ounces avoirdupois’ but at his greatest altitude weighed only 4 ounces.’

As Blanchard floated through the sky the winds pushed him where they would. It balloon continued to drift southeasterly across the New Jersey side of the river in an increasing wind. Blanchard relaxed briefly, satisfying his appetite ‘with a morsel of biscuit and a glass of wine.’

Thinking he saw the Atlantic Ocean in the distance Blanchard prepared to descend. He carefully stowed his delicate instruments in boxes to prevent them from breaking on landing. He cleared several decorations from the side of the basket, valved out some hydrogen, and emptied several excess ballast bags overboard.

Then he guided the balloon in a downward course by carefully manipulating the gas valve and judging the weight of remaining ballast, steering it to a safe landing in an open, plowed field near Woodbury, N.J. 46 minutes after his departure from Philadelphia the first aerial voyage in America ended successfully after traveling about 15 miles.

Upon landing his canine passenger immediately debarked and made off for the nearest tree.

Blanchard worked quickly to release the gas from the silken globe then unloaded his instruments, checking them for breakage. Only his barometer was broken.

He next had to solve a common balloonist problem: how to return to Philadelphia. He sighted his compass toward the northwest and saw a farmer staring open-mouthed at him, a strange foreigner who dropped so silently from the skies.

Knowing little English, Blanchard yelled out in French, frightening the farmer, who stepped backward several paces. Blanchard, fearing he’d run away, held up the bottle of wine and gestured to him to share a drink. The husky farmer approached warily and took a sip, but only after the stranger downed a swig first. Blanchard soon had a willing helper, thanks to the medium of ‘the exhilarating juice of the grape.’

Although they couldn’t converse and the farmer couldn’t read the passport letter Blanchard carried, the farmer recognized Washington’s name Washington when Blanchard spoke.

A second farmer arrived, armed with an ancient musket. Frightened by the huge globe lying on its side, he dropped his gun and lifted his hands skyward in prayer. The first farmer explained what he understood of the situation again, the name Washington was understood. More people appeared and saw Washington’s letter, and everyone helped this intriguing stranger. Several men neatly folded his balloon and stowed it in a wagon. Others escorted him to Cooper’s Ferry on the banks of the Delaware River, where Blanchard crossed to the Pennsylvania side.

Before he bid his new-found friends goodbye he quickly drew up a document and asked them to certify ‘that we the subscribers saw the bearer, Mr. Blanchard, settle in his balloon in Deptford Township, County of Gloucester, in the State of New Jersey, about 10 o’clock 56 minutes, a.m….on the ninth day of January, anno Domini, 1793.’

Blanchard, arriving in Philadelphia that evening, was greeted by a cheering crowd of well-wishers who formed lines to shake his hand. At 7 p.m., he fisited President Washington and presented him with the flag he had borne aloft on his epic flight.

The experiment was pronounced a complete success. All manner of uses to which the balloon might be put were suggested in jest and earnest. Money was raised to pay back the four hundred guineas the experiment had cost Blanchard.

The brief flight deeply affected all who witnessed the takeoff. Dr. Benjamin Rush, in a letter to a colleague, wrote: ‘For some time days past the conversation in our city has turned wholly upon Mr. Blanchard’s late Aerial Voyage. It was truly a sublime sight. Every faculty of the mind was seized, expanded and captivated by it, 40,000 people concentrating their eyes and thoughts at the same instant, upon the same object, and all deriving nearly the same degree of pleasure from it.’

December 31, 2016


Filed under: Uncategorized — carolyncholland @ 9:57 am



[twitter-follow screen_name=’Carolyn C. Holland

Mr. Marino, of Hempfield, is the artistic director of Stage Right School For the Performing Arts in Greensburg. From 6 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, costumed students will take groups, leaving 20 minutes apart, to sites in the neighborhood where they will hear stories that probably – or definitely – are not true.
They will be told all in fun as a fundraiser for the Academy Hill Historic District Association, and as a way to get people interested in local history and architecture. The association will donate part of the proceeds to the nonprofit theater school.

Comment by monte of laughlintown, PA

I know many of you (most of you) have been waiting for this. Cindy and Jerry can be seen at

Posted April 18, 2013 at 03:50AM CDT

Comment by Cindy of Jersey Shore, PA

Monte of Laughlintown, PA Thanks to you and Carolyn for taking the photo I sent to you and cropping the picture. I had a photo of Jerry, his little girl and me taken at the christening on Sunday and I didn’t want his daughter’s photo on the Internet so Carolyn graciously cropped the photo. As much as I would have liked to share her photo with you, I only wanted a photo of the two of us posted. I’m sure you can understand that. Thanks so much Monte and Carolyn for your help. Love you both.

Posted April 18, 2013 at 03:59AM CDT

Comment by Cindy of Jersey Shore, PA

Julia of Alexandria, VA- Praying for Jeff asking God to place His healing hand on him.  Keeping you and Matt in prayer as well.  Do I remember that you have another son as well?   Just know that you and your family are in my prayers daily.  George of Virginia Beach, VA- I am keeping your wife, Bethanne, in prayer as she is feeling overwhelmed in dealing with her father’s estate and in dealing with her siblings as well as being there to support her sister Annette.  I ask God to give her the strength she needs. Monte of Laughlintown PA- Joining you in a moment of silence and prayer for those affected in the bombings in Boston.  Thank you again for your ministry on this site.

Comment by JK

Monte thanks for posting the link and Cindy I love the photo! So wonderful to put a face with the names!

Posted April 18, 2013 at 04:39AM CDT
Comment by Marshall of Fayetteville, NC

Cindy, I love the picture. You are a beautiful mother and son . God bless you and your family. Love ya’ll.

Posted April 18, 2013 at 04:43AM CDT
Comment by Marshall of Fayetteville, NC

Monte, great job by you and Carolyn Thanks a bunch for all your contributions.

Posted April 18, 2013 at 05:08AM CDT
Comment by Dan of Summerfield, NC

UR family; prayer please for the people in the small town of West, TX who experienced the fire and explosion in their fertilizer plant.  Since this essentially flattened the town, pray for the rescue efforts there throughout today, especially for the first responders, particularly the fire fighers many of them who had begun fighting the fire at the time of the explosion.  As the death toll rises, prayers for the many families who are grieving the loss of life.  So much prayer needed! * Praises for the picture of Cindy and Jerry (thank you for Monte and Carolyn), for Janet’s certification and other praises Cindy has brought to us.  Continued prayers for Sarah as she has to regroup after another disappointment, and put herself out there again.  Prayers for the other requests raised by Sarah.

Comment by julie of Delray Beach, FL

Good Morning UR family, Thank you Luis for the message Life is full of its bumps in the road. However just like when flying on a plane we can always feel close to the Lord as along as we ask his help with the bumps. Praying for all those affected in the chemical fire in Texas. Praying that the firefighters will be found safe and sound. Praying for comfort and peace  the families and victims of the Boston Marathon. Sarah- Praying that you will find a job soon. Have you ever thought of working in Publishing? My SIL worked for a company called CRC press for a while. They edited the works of writers. You are so talented at writing  it may be worth a chance. Cindy -Thank you for sharing the picture of you and Jerry with us. The Lord’s light is shining so bright  in the eyes of you both. Praying for all on the list spoken or not have a super day UR family.

Comment by Lee Anne of Astatula, FL

Monte and Carolyn – thanks for posting the link. Nice site! Vicki – I am laughing because that’s exactly how I imagined her to look. I have a friend named Cindy that looks just like her! Cindy – love the pic. Thanks for sharing.

Posted April 18, 2013 at 06:03AM CDT
Comment by Earl  of Durham, NC

Cindy – beautiful picture.  Been looking forward to seeing it.  Welcome home Jerry.  Cindy, thanks for all you do on UR.

Posted April 18, 2013 at 06:11AM CDT
Comment by rob of hsv, AL

Good morning UR family. Thank you Luis for today’s devotional. Praying that we all experience a turbulence free day today. My wife’s bosses surgery went well yesterday. Still waiting to hear about my friends dads chemo. Thank you all for your prayers. Praying for all requested and silent wants and needs of my UR family, and for everyone in the path of today’s storms, be it weather or lifes  problems. Have a blessed day one and all.  Almost forgot!!!!!! Cindy what a wonderful picture. Once again congratulations and thank you for all you and soooo many others do. Monte,Dan, Sarah , Ed , Gwen , Don , Kathy the list goes on and on………… thank you all

Posted April 18, 2013 at 06:26AM CDT

December 31, 2015

The Scientific Method: Advantages and Disadvantages




Fifi, the Flea, Guest Writer


CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS is now located at Carolyn’s Online Magazine.

I invite you to visit the new site and to subscribe to the site to receive notification of future posts.


 NOTE: I found the following undated paper, titled The Scientific Method: Its Advantages and Disadvantages, in my files. It was written for a philosophy class while I was a college student. It received a P+ grade.

Hi! My name is Fifi, the Famous Flea. I’m a unique flea—because I’m a thinking flea. This seeming absurdity enables me to observe Man and come to some objective conclusions about His “way of life.” Let me begin with what Man considers His greatest asset to progress in the 20th century—namely, the scientific method.

The scientific method is particularly responsible for Man’s modern position—and His dilemma.

To apply the scientific method, there must first be DOUBT, or inquiry, either in the form of an original question or in the form of questioning another man’s truths.

Man, to find an answer to that doubt, evolved the SCIENTIFIC METHOD, in which EXPERIMENT (that is, observation and reason)) plays a prominent role. How does Man apply this procedure? Let me use examples from one Man’s diary—Dr. X.

Dr. X notices some phenomena in another man, Z. A question arises: Is Z in good health or not? There is doubt. Dr. X, using the scientific method, has universally accepted facts, proven previously by the scientific method. (Otherwise, a lifetime would be taken up repeating experiments that have already proven to be true.) This is acceptable on the basis that, should He ever have any doubt about a fact, He can set up an experiment of his own and either confirm or deny the truth in question.

Observations are made by Dr. X and his assistant: Z has extremely flushed skin, a temperature of 106 degrees F, and a white cell count of 2.5 times the norm. Dr. X reasons and concludes, on the basis of these known facts, that Z is not in good health.

A new question has arisen from the answer to the first question. What is the cause of Z’s ill health?

Dr. X makes an educated guess: Z has an infection. This raises another question—What kind of infection?

Again, reason enters and a method must be devised to attain the truth. Pathological bacteria cause infections. Test for bacteria. Tests prove there are bacteria present in Z’s throat.

Previous experiments have shown that antibiotics can kill the pathological bacteria. Treat Z with the proper antibiotic. Observation: Z’s phenomena disappear within 24 hours. Reason concludes that the diagnosis was correct and Z is on the road to recovery. However, if the phenomena had not subsided further questions would arise. For example, Was the treatment correct or could the infection have arisen elsewhere?

There is a key factor in Man’s scientific method: Man is searching for an absolute truth, which can be disproved with only one negative test result. Science is never absolutely certain of its result because it is impossible to check every infection there ever was, so the one negative case might never be found. It is impossible to universally check any fact. Thus Man never has the complete reassurance of truth. (more…)

Out of the Old Blog, a New Magazine is Born

Filed under: blogging,FEATURE STORIES — carolyncholland @ 1:00 am




6 years, 1,330 Posts, 327,848 views from 171 countries

Out of the Old Blog, a New Magazine is Born


Deep within every beginning is the seed for its ending.

Within each ending is a seed for a new beginning.

Welcome to Carolyn’s Online Magazine (COMe).

When  its predecessor, CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS, started on February 29, 2008 its seed of ending was built in: the WordPress space limitation. Never in my wildest thoughts did I imagine my endeavor would come to an end. But the warning light came on. There is little space left to post articles. The seed for ending sprouted.

The timing is right. The old—two-oh-fourteen—is at an end. January two-oh-fifteen, rings in the new. A ripe time for new beginnings.

As I move on I must ask some hard questions.

I’ll begin by answering the WHY.

As the editor, developing and maintaining CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS was a challenging, ever constant, learning process. It served as an entrance into a communications age that has already moved far beyond blogs.

CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS has been an affirming project to both writer and reader.

It’s aided the writer in evaluating trends and issues. Its served as a place to work through issues—to write something requires processing it and putting it in words the average person can understand. It’s offered a forum for a variety of writing genres and provided a writing platform. It’s kept me, the writer of most articles, writing almost every day.

For the reader it’s provided education, fun reading, a different view of issues, and connections to other persons.

Below are a few comments that encouraged me to move on into a new blog.

  • ANCIENT BATHING TECHNIQUES  I must say, your topics are many and most informative.  I enjoy most of the posts that you send out.  Thanks for enlightening my days.   David
  • Playing Santa’s Elf on My Birthday …Carolyn, love your articles.   I read them every morning while drinking my coffee… Carol
  • I like your humor 🙂 and enjoy your articles… 🙂    Merri
  • Awesome pictures…Always looking forward to seeing your pictures and adventures :)…    Lena

And in response to particular articles:

  • Traveling on a Greyhound Bus with Children  Carolyn, thanks for the memories of riding the Greyhound! My mother loved riding the Greyhound, sitting in back of the driver. 🙂  Merri
  • THE HOLLAND 2014 CHRISTMAS LETTER  I love this post, it made me think of some of the articles I read during the year and how interesting your lives are.   I hope I am just like you when I grow up, lol.   I look forward to reading your online magazine…  Carol
  • REPORTS FROM STORM “KNIFE” IN BUFFALO, NEW YORK  November 17 to November 21, 2014   I can’t remember what year it was, but during one storm, I barely made it home from a night shift at our local hospital. I was pushing snow with the front bumper of my car off and on for about three miles. I parked in the drive and had to help a guy in a truck shovel out his truck from a snow drift later in the day. We were snowed in from about 10 a.m. Saturday until 10 p.m. Sunday when the State came through with a scoop bucket to move the snow drifts from the road, The plows couldn’t handle it.  Tom
  • TWO HOLIDAY RECIPES: HORS D’OEUVRES AND UMBLE PIE  Carolyn you have inspired me to check out the internet and see what umble pie recipes are there. Would be fun to have an umble pie contest!   Grace and Fred
  • NATIONAL POETRY MONTH, POEM A DAY, WEEK 4: April 22-30 I’m not much of a poetry person, my least favorite part of school – but your creative twist on it is worth reading!  Grace
  •  MARILYN VAN DERBUR (ATLER): MISS AMERICA 1958: HER INCEST STORY   abuse no matter how long ago it happens. it affects every day of  your whole life  Becky
  • WAS IT IODINE DEFICIENCY? MY STORY   Sometimes old wives tales aren’t so false – many of us have relatives who lived to very ripe old ages while doing and eating things that we now consider “dangerous” for our health – we’ve cut so much out yet we replace it with a prescription drug –  finding what works for us doesn’t always require a medical degree -feeling good is what matters and often invovles a combination of what the doctor can offer and what we can do for ourselves  Fran
  • THREE GARLIC RECIPES   Roasted garlic smeared on fresh bread is one of my very favorite things… and that soup sounds amazing! But make enough for everyone you come in contact with for the rest of the day to also have a bite or you’ll spend a very lonely evening. 🙂  Great recipes!  Jan
  •  These photos are so beautiful, just breathtaking! It’s like seeing the loving grace of God shining down upon you! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!!  Lori

CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS enabled genealogical connections through its most commented on post, KILLED STRANGELY: A NEW ENGLAND MURDER STORY. It’s enabled two sisters to connect with their birth family after 60 years (read My Mother’s Special 90th Birthday Gift ). CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS has reaped many benefits.

Perhaps blogs are becoming dated, being phased out by other electronic communication media. But perhaps, also, there is room for blogs to hold their own, to still be worthwhile in today’s evolving communication world.

So I welcome you to subscribe to COMe. Your e-mail will not be publicized. However, you will receive an email from asking you to confirm your subscription. Please do. You will then receive an email informing you of each post on COMe.

I want to again thank my subscribers, my readers, and my commenters for their making CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS a success. Thank you for visiting COMe, Carolyn’s Online Magazine.

Carolyn C. Holland

December 30, 2015

Three Rhubarb Pie Recipes With Rhubarb Trivia





While cleaning files I came across the following recipes for rhubarb—which my husband Monte likes but I don’t. Anyway, he’s the one that does the baking—bread and pies. Between the recipes are rhubarb trivia questions. Answers are at the end of the post.

  •  When did rhubarb appear in the United States?
  • How did it get here?
  • Where did it originate?


Pastry for double crust.

4 cups diced rhubarb

3 tablespoons flour

1  1/4 cups sugar

Dash salt

1 egg

2 tablespoons butter


Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastry.

Mix flour, sugar and salt.

Add egg to rhubarb and stir it in. Pour (more…)

January 11, 2015

Things Really Haven’t Changed



SCRIPTURE: Haggai 1:5-6   5.  Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hoses, Consider your ways,   6.  Ye have sown much, and bring little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. (KJV)

REFLECTION:  Haggai, living in pre-Christ times, describes today’s society. I watch, read and sometimes experience all the behavior he describes.

I see people who work hard and have little to show for their labor. I myself sometimes eat and drink gluttonously and yet remain hungry and thirsty.

Media ads convince us we never have enough clothing to keep warm (or at least, enough clothes reflecting the current trend). And bankruptcy is routine and acceptable, as people incur so much debt their earnings fall through holes like water through a container filled with holes.

These behaviors are not new to our society, although we somehow feel they originated with us. What caused the existence of those behaviors in Haggai’s time? What causes them today?

The root causes are probably similar: too much stress, greed, the need to have (more…)

January 10, 2015

Warmth on a Wintry Day



The December 26, 2014, WP photo challenge seems more applicable today, January 11, than it did on the 26th, when the sun shone brightly against blue skies and jackets were barely needed to go outside. The good weather  continued on the 27th, affecting snow tubing that just barely was not cancelled due to the efforts of snowmaking machines. The wonderfully unseasonable December finally caved in to the bitter cold and snow beginning January 6, 2015. Thus, I take on the WordPress photo challenge today as the temperature outside is a bone-chilling 20 degrees, albeit the sun is shining brightly and the whipping winds have calmed down.

Yes, I’m toasty warm, taking photographs inside and responding to the December 26th WP photo challenge: Warmth: This week, let’s keep things nice and cozy150110 IMG_6058E1

150110 IMG_6041E

150110 IMG_6059E2 (more…)

January 8, 2015

Old Man Winter Sleeps in Until 1/7/2015


NOTE: Considering the trials and delays in beginning my new blog site (read Problems Creating a New WordPress Blog ) I decided to continue posting on this site until the issues are resolved. Thank you all for bearing with me.


He Doesn’t Arrive Until January 7, 2015150106 IMG_5985E1 On January 7, 2015, Old Man Winter

is startled awake

as his alarm clock bbbrrriiiinnngggsss.  

“Dang,” he says surprizedly. “I slept in.”*

Not only is the weather bitter cold, It is the first big snowfall. Motorists sometimes just don’t know how to handle the first several snowfalls until they get used to driving in snow again, according to PennDOT spokeswoman Juliann Sheldon.***

As I pushed our cats out the door I admired the artwork on the frosted windows and noticed the temperature on our little protected step-in porch: 180 Fahrenheit. Brrr. I shivered as I reminded myself the cats are wore the cutest fur coats—King’s a beautiful shade of gray, Little Dog’s white with calico markings.

150106 IMG_5986E1I poured myself a hot cup of coffee and sat down to review my January 7th file folder, which contained journals of January 7ths past. The tree lights were lit for their final morning display, soft music was playing on the radio, as I reviewed the papers in the folder.

150108 IMG_6010E1On January 2, 1998,I’d flown to Bangor, Maine, where my mother was in the hospital. Unfortunately, she didn’t survive, so I’d traveled with siblings to her hometown, Presque Isle, where I spent the past few days.

Maine winters aren’t known for being gentle. Caribou, Maine, a short distance from Presque Isle, has been reported on no few occasions to be the coldest spot in the nation.

No, Maine winters aren’t gentle, and 1998 was no exception.

I take that statement back. It was an exception. I flew into Maine during a massive ice storm that covered the northeast from Pennsylvania north. Although the storm had passed the ice remained, creating cold and hazardous conditions.

Landing in Boston en route to Maine---tien ice storm had arrived

Landing in Boston en route to Maine—tien ice storm had arrived

On January 6, after spending several days in Presque Isle, I drove south to Bangor in the backseat of my niece’s sports car, which I could barely squeeze my body into. Down the icy highway we went, and I stayed in a room at the hospital’s inn.

On January 7 I took a cab to the airport. There was ice everywhere. Old man winter was still wreaking havoc. My flight was delayed and delayed until it was cancelled and the airline put the passengers up in a hotel for the night. The next day I was able to fly to Boston, then to Buffalo, New York, where my husband met me and we visited with family.1998-0103-14E1


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